Carquinez Gravel: A Tale of Two Bridges

When people talk about gravel in the East Bay, they usually mean Tilden Park, Redwood Regional, Chabot Lake, and Joaquin Miller. With this ride, we want to introduce you to some dirt that’s well worth the short drive to Crockett, CA.

Along the Carquinez Strait shoreline, you’ll find a number of small parks that offer beautiful views, quiet dirt roads, and a totally different pace of play. With a little familiarity, you can hop from park to park with little effort but a big payoff.

This ride also offers the chance to jump off the established route and check out some of the local historical sites. Explored the Arsenal as you head out of Benicia for some beautiful 19th-century buildings. Or did you know that the US military used to have a “camel corps”? You can actually find where the camels were stationed just a few blocks from the Benicia Bridge. 

Load the route, grab a friend, and explore!


Weeknight dirt discovery


Classic: Old Caz