Coleman Valley Getaway

Nestled among the redwoods and winding roads of West Sonoma County, Coleman Valley Road is a world-class treat. It’s the kind of road that is a destination in itself, the kind of road you plan a ride around as an excuse to go and enjoy. That’s exactly what we did.

Over the 10 miles from Occidental to the foggy coast you’ll find short, pitchy climbs, surprise vistas, shaded glens, quirky farms, hidden vineyards, and the whole spectrum of tarmac. You’ll enjoy the moments of buttery smooth pavement all the more when you get to the valley itself. While the road flattens out, the patchwork quilt of a road jostles and jounces you along, making it hard to take out the phone and snap pics.

It’s hard to describe what makes this road so special, but we hope you catch a taste of it in the video.

This route is truly a gem. Try it out yourself and let us know what you think.


Classic : Tunnel and Pinehurst


Classic: Lake Chabot Loop