The Scenic Route: Briones x Crockett

For those willing to venture just a little bit off the beaten path, Carquinez Scenic Route between Crockett and Martinez offers something very special. While we miss the old, crumbling road for its end-of-the-world aura, the recently repaved Scenic Route now offers miles of smooth, car-free views of the Carquinez Strait. Even better, a host of small parks allows you to leapfrog from gravel to gravel as you make your way along the water.

We love this route for its well-balanced feel. You’ll begin with wide fire road climbs, enjoy gravel descents, twisting paved downhills, long mellow backroads, swooping single track, and water views galore. We’ll take you through several back entrances, known only to the more adventurous of souls. 

While we think this route will be a blast for a wide variety of experience and ability levels, we do highly recommend taking on water and fuel in Martinez. This route ends with a very challenging climb back up through Briones Regional and none of us like the feel of bonking near the end of an otherwise wonderful ride. Grab your snack, take your time, and enjoy the amazing vistas this route has on offer.


Napa Sunday


Classic : Tunnel and Pinehurst