Dropping in at havey canyon

The East Bay Regional Parks are natural diamonds in the proverbial urban rough. They line the ridge and provide miles of hiking and riding that can make you feel like you’re nowhere near the hustle and hum of city living.

Tilden Park in Berkeley is one such gem. While the trails can get pretty congested near the parking areas, this is a route that will get you far enough away to enjoy the peacefulness of the park. Out along the old Nimitz Way you can cruise along and see far more cows than humans. This ride will also treat you to some of the only bike-allowed single track in the park: Havey Canyon Trail.

While it’s closed in the winters (mud!), during the dry seasons it’s a funnel of fun, starting wide and windswept and getting more narrow as you descend. Cross through cattle gates, over the new bridges they’ve been putting in (RIP wet-footed creek crossings), and then you’ll be rewarded with a mostly gentle gravel cruise back into the park. 

If you want the feeling of getting out there but don’t have time to head out of the area, check this out.


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