Felter x Sierra Road

Sierra Road, made famous in Stage 4 of the 2011 Amgen Tour of California, is arduously steep with an average of gradient ~9% making it one of the steepest climbs of its length in California. We aim to show you a new perspective, rather than climbing the legendary Sierra Road, you’ll make your way down after climbing Felter Road.

Felter Road which can be pitchy but nowhere close to the steady gradients of Sierra Road. Once you hit the ridge, you’ll ride along the quiet horizon gazing over the silhouette of mountains. When you reach the peak and start your descent, you’ll get an expansive view of the SF bay.

This route is short and sweet on its own and it was my go-to weekday ride when I lived in San Jose, but feel free to remix and tack on more miles on either the front or back end of the ride. Get creative by adding miles from the north from Calaveras Road starting from Sunol or start your ride with Felter, enjoy the views down Sierra, and then thread your way up to the iconic mountain adjacent to Sierra, Mt Hamilton. 


Strawberries ‘n Paradise